Items for practice inspection are indicated by the superscript PI and are highlighted on a grey shaded background. Consult the CPI checklist for the latest inspection requirements as some of the checklists on the PSM may not be fully up to date with this feature. We endeavour to keep the checklists up to date.
Note that the checklists highlight key points, and reference to the PSM will be required for full details (relevant sections of the full PSM are cited within each checklist).
How to use checklists:
A blank checklist for some topics is provided as a Word file so it can be adapted easily for your practice. Either print out the checklist and fill in the relevant boxes by hand, or save a copy of the checklist to your computer and complete the electronically. The boxes are set up to expand to accommodate additional text.
If you need to add an extra row to the table to include another point, click to the right (outside) of the row where you would like another row inserted, and press ‘return’. Another row of the same height and width will appear below.
A suggested way of using the checklists is provided below.
- Appoint a member of the dental team to have overall responsibility for each checklist.
- Each year, fill out a new checklist either electronically or on paper to use throughout the year, by:
- adding other tasks that are specific to your practice;
- including the name of a member of the dental team to be responsible for each individual task;
- including the date each task is to be completed by.
- After a task has been completed in full:
- tick the appropriate checkbox;
- for documentation, note where the relevant documentation is kept;
- add any comments for your own reference purposes;
- include the date each task is to be reviewed by.