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All dental practitioners and dental care professionals are required to undertake regular training in the management of medical emergencies within the dental environment to ensure that they are able to recognise medical emergencies and are competent in their responsibilities for managing a medical emergency (e.g. use of drugs and equipment). Such training is a practice inspection requirement and continuing professional development (CPD) in medical emergencies is highly recommended by the General Dental Council [1], with a minimum of 10 hours per CPD cycle, and at least 2 hours every year. 

It is advised that emergency life support training covers the following topics [2] to ensure that staff are prepared to deal competently with an acute medical emergency when it arises.

  • Assessment of the patient using the ABCDE rapid assessment approach.
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) sequence (for adults and children), including management of choking and the recovery position.
  • Manual airway opening manoeuvers, use of oxygen, oro-pharyngeal airways and bag-valve-mask ventilation.
  • Use of emergency drugs to manage medical emergencies.
  • Practical demonstration and training in the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Ensure that staff who might be involved in managing a medical emergency undertake emergency life support training, at least annually. Contact your local NHS Board for details of providers of suitable training.

Keep up-to-date emergency life support training certificates (detailing names of staff who attended and the date of training) and training records for the handling of medical emergencies for all staff.

Ensure that all dental team members know their role and are competent in dealing with a medical emergency in your practice, including the use of drugs and equipment, and practise together in a simulated emergency.

NB: The employer is responsible for the activity undertaken by staff in a medical emergency.

Refer to SDCEP Drug Prescribing For Dentistry guidance [3] and the Prescribing in Dental Practice section of the British National Formulary [4] for advice on how to recognise, assess and manage medical emergencies.

An interactive CPR learning tool and other information related to resuscitation are available on the Resuscitation Council (UK) website. A Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice poster (PDF) developed by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust summarises the symptoms and management of medical emergencies.

See also General Requirements to Prepare for Medical Emergencies and Managing Medical Emergencies Policy and Procedure template for further information.

Sources of information

  1. CPD for dental professionals. General Dental Council
  2. Emergency Drugs and Equipment in Primary Dental Care (2024) Scottish Government
  3. Drug Prescribing For Dentistry. Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme
  4. Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice. British National Formulary
