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Before printing or using any template, it is important to think about how it relates to your practice and how it should be adapted to be of most benefit to your practice.

Template Forms and Information Sheets 

Some templates are forms or information sheets that have been developed so that they can be used as they are. Either print them and fill in the relevant boxes by hand, or save a copy of the form to your computer and complete the form electronically. The boxes are set up to expand to accommodate additional text electronically. An example of this type of template is the Record of Audit template referred to in the Radiation Protection section.

If you need to add an extra row to a table to include another question or heading, click to the right of the row (outside the table) where you would like another row inserted, and press ‘return’. Another row of the same height and width will appear below.

Worked Example Forms

Some forms have been partially or completely worked up to demonstrate how the forms can be used to help implement some of the guidance within the PSM. It is intended that these forms are adapted for use in your dental practice so that they meet the needs of your practice. An example of this type of template is the Risk Assessment (worked example) template referred to in the Risk Management section.

A ‘blank’ equivalent of the worked-up example has been provided in some cases (e.g. Risk Assessment – blank). Within these example forms, some words are written in blue coloured text to indicate additions required by you to tailor the form to your practice. The forms have been produced in Word so that they can be adapted easily.

Example Policies

Some policies have been developed to provide an example of the type of policy that would be suitable (e.g. Raising Concerns and Whistleblowing Policy referred to in the Risk Management section). It is important, however, that these are adapted and the procedures are amended or deleted as appropriate so that they meet the specific needs of your practice. For example, for the development of a Health and Safety policy, it is important that you carry out a health and safety risk assessment of your practice before you write a health and safety policy that is specific for your practice. Several policies contain examples of specific procedures that can be carried out in practice. Some of these might be relevant to your practice, whereas some might not. It is therefore important that these are adapted and the procedures are amended or deleted, as appropriate, and new procedures added where necessary to reflect procedures in your practice.